In this modern world, we simply can’t get away from using social media, either for personal use or business purpose. It is considered relevant and important but depends on how we actually gain benefits from it.
Assalamualaikum, Good Day readers, I’m Saadah Mastura binti Saidin, you addressed me as Kak Mas and I am a Contentpreneur. Back in few years ago (about less than 10 years), I was introduced to copywriting for personal branding when I join business seminar. This encouraged me to share knowledge and expertise through facebook, instagram and Youtube (Warna Creamade Ice Cream School) . I started doing this when I resigned from 8-5 job and focus on full time business, which I had begun few years before resign.
Before this I was just focusing on create contents related to ice cream, food safety and halal only which my business was Halal and Food Safety Consulting and selling ice cream based product including Ice cream classes (Online and Offline). Yes, it sounds so technical and seems like exclusively catered to potential clients with specific niche. But I was not consistent and sometimes find some copywriting style a bit of cringe and not natural.
Days goes by with my life turning upside down. There are business that closed and others are slowing down. Furthermore I am now stay at home to take care of my mother. I miss my active life but I can’t do business the same way I do before. Hence I discover the new way of making money through the concept of one person business model or Solopreneur. I was following international youtubers about making money online but the one that I really take the steps is from Dan Koe, who is really focusing building crowd through writing which in my opinion is much simpler than making videos. Although most content gurus said that videos are more in trend.
However, lately a local well known entrepreneur, Azri Walter also introduced the same concept and encourage people out there to create more content using just writing. I agree that it is not just simple and quick but also helping not to procrastinate doing contents as making videos takes a lot of effort in terms of visual, audio and editing skill.
Thus I begin actively writing on threads, which similar to X (previously and I can’t believe that content in written form is actually impactful especially when I am shifting my topic from technical contents towards more like self-help, self-growth, Muslimah awareness issues, relationship and mental health topics as these associate with a new e-book that I’ve just completed, entitled ‘Let It Go, Glow and Grow’. The purpose of this book was written due to many people including me that suffers struggles and trauma that blocking us from moving forward and grow to be a better Muslim.
I also posting voice contents through Podcast in spotify named as Sigma Muslimah which focus only on Muslimah Self Growth. Besides, involved as affiliate and Umrah4ladies consultant, posting Muslimah healing related contents on social media, does helping me spread awareness about this special women only package for Umrah.
Somehow, intermittently within these topics, I still share about my small ice cream business which I am now just focusing on conducting ice cream classes to small startup, institutions, children and charity home as well as my first e-book ice cream in English, ‘7 Wonders of Ice Cream’ that emphasize on Halal Ice Cream recipes with flavors from across the globe which I had begun to wrote it 7 years ago along with more than 10 ice cream ebooks in Malay.
By using social media the write way, anyone can be a contentpreneur and leave legacy by spreading skills, knowledge and awareness. I perceived that writing beneficial contents could be one of the three deeds legacy, which ‘beneficial Knowledge’ mentioned in Hadith Bukhari which stated :
“When a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except three: Ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge and a righteous child who will pray for them”.
My advice to the next contentpreneur, don’t think too hard about niche, you can be the niche, everyone has their own authenticity. When writing contents, be natural and more human (does not sound too cringe and clickbait just to get sales) and don’t forget to interact and leave good comments on other people’s posting especially related to the topics around your interest. We need to grow and have engagement organically. If you really want to focus portraying your technical expertise, go for LinkedIn. I had gain international connection regarding ice cream expert from other country.
For those who may be had failed their physical business or losing job or even housewives. Being a contentpreneur and sell digital products such as e-books, online course or coaching are some of the way that helps us to bounce back as it does not need high budget or costly overhead to bear and no postage procedure needed. No premise or shipment cost needed, yet based on my experience, I already have participants outside Malaysia purchase my online course and e-books. You can received payment anytime even when you almost sleep at home. Just explore platform to place your digital products with payment gateway and you are ready to go.
Remember that our contents, e-books or any knowledge, skills and experience that we spread to other people can be our legacies that benefits the ummah as well as it could be our deeds that we can bring along to akhirah. Insha Allah.
Thank you and much appreciate reading this long article, I hope this will helps you to find new opportunities in this modern world.
Ice Cream Teacher & Author.
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